About us

Comments about our work

"...a very unique capacity to synthesise and present in a comprehensive as well as accessible way..."

Prof. Alain Pompidou, President, European Patent Office, 2006

"...you've certainly helped me develop a 'new set of eyes' for the future."

Dan Norenberg, Managing Director, N Vision Learning Solutions GmbH, 2009

"You were not only a source of support but also of great inspiration..."

Ciaran McGinley, Controller, European Patent Office, 2009

"I was particularly impressed with the presentation of the analysis, perspectives and evidence."

TP, policy analyst, 2008

"...participants valued your authenticity and insight..."

Marc Thompson, Academic Director, MSc Consulting and Coaching for Change, Said Business School, Oxford, 2008

"It was a truly inspiring session, and one which has permanently changed the way in which I regard events happening both inside and outside my industry."

Wayne Degnan, Technology Manager, Lloyds Banking Group

"...the Scenarios Project... will inform patent policy making in Europe and beyond for years to come."

Intellectual Asset Management, 2007

"...the scenario exercise has ...changed the way I, and no doubt a few others, think about the future."

Philip Davies, Head of Business Planning and Development, Asset Finance, Lloyds TSB, 2008

"You fitted the bits together so I could see a whole."

N Lamb, journalist, 2009

"The work is amazing and serves as an updated guide to developing countries policy-makers as well. I do hope it will be translated so it can become easily accessible to Latin Americans in general."

Edson Beas, Working Group on IP Policy of the International Trade Law and Development Institute (IDCID), Brazil

"...the Scenario Plan will be a crucial element to strategically projecting the future of our own Initiative."

JD, Global Public Foundation, 2008

"I want to express all my gratitude for a unique contribution to better shape the future of IP Policy World."

Prof. Alain Pompidou, President, European Patent Office, 2007